The ISTE Standards for Students. Over the years, in my role as teacher, tech integrator, and professional developer, I have used and aligned the ISTE Standards for students and teachers. They have provided a guiding roadmap for my work and thinking as it relates to Educational Technology.
This year at ISTE the new 2016 Version of the ISTE Standards for Students was released. This group of standards is particularly meaningful because I was selected to be on the standards committee that helped craft these standards. I have never been through a process to develop a set of standards that would have such far reaching publication and usage. I must say it seemed like a daunting task which I thought would involve a lot of debate and discussion. We did have some debate. We did have lots of great discussions. And yet, the process was incredibly rewarding because we talked, listened to viewpoints from across the world, and then worked, refined, revised, and in the end produced some high quality work.
We had an incredible leadership group that guided us through the process. Namely:
Dr. Anna Baralt, Shorecrest Prep School Inc
Wendy Drexler, Independent
Jim Flanagan, ISTE
Dr. LeeAnn Lindsey, Arizona State University
Dr. Yolanda Ramos, ISTE Staff
Sarah Stoeckl, ISTE Staff
Carolyn Sykora, ISTE Staff
I can't tell you how impressed I was with this incredible group. They gave us lots of work to do, but also some really powerful guidance and support. It was truly one of the most rewarding processes I have had the honor of participating in.
I would encourage all educators to take a look at the final product of these standards. My hope is that you will find them to be a great guide for your lesson development, and student learning.
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