Movies Educators Should Watch Episode 1: Red Folder

Many of you may know that I often like to pretend I am a movie critic.  For my children, I created a movie blog titled, "Movies I Want My Kids to See, and Why?"  It's a slow work in progress, but I wanted to have my children know a little about me through the movies I have enjoyed and which had meaning to me.

Well, I thought it might be nice to create a list of movies I think teachers should watch.  Am I an expert on movies?  Nope.  I'm just a teacher who likes to watch movies.  The movies I plan to highlight are movies, many of them short films, that made me really think about education.

So with that introduction, I'd like to showcase the Ben Kallam short film, "Red Folder"

Red Folder from Ben Kallam on Vimeo.

This film moved me on many levels.  First, cinematically, I was captivated by the scenery and character development as the main character, Joseph, is sent on a mission to find a red folder.  As he wanders through the school we learn more about him from the teachers and school staff that he meets.  Joseph is lost in many ways in this film.  But who is there to help him?  Is the system designed to help him?  Are the teachers capable of helping him?  Or are they and the system setting him up for failure?  What is his role in his success as a student? This film pushes those questions.  It will make your heart ache, but will it make a difference?
