Coffee with a Geek Interview with Annie Holmquist

WHAT:  Coffee with a Geek Interview with Annie Holmquist
WHEN:  Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
TIME:  4-4:30pm

YouTube Live:  HERE

I have been a big fan of Intellectual Takeout, which offers readers thought provoking posts about culture, education, entertainment, and so much more.   Often they post out about education issues which always pique's my curiosity and interest.  Annie Holmquist is a leading contributor to the site and often posts on educational topics.  I'm really looking forward to hearing Annie's insights on education and writing for such a unique website.   Can't wait!

A little about Annie in her own words:  Annie is a senior writer with Intellectual Takeout. In her role, she assists with website content production and social media messaging.  

Annie received a B.A. in Biblical Studies from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul. She also brings 20+ years of experience as a music educator and a volunteer teacher – particularly with inner city children – to the table in her research and writing.
In her spare time Annie enjoys the outdoors, gardening, reading, and events with family and friends.

Where to find Annie Work:

Intellectual Takeout
Imaginative Conservative
