Interview with Rachelle Dene Poth

Video Link:  HERE

I'm really looking forward to chatting with Rachelle Dene Poth.  Here is Rachelle's Bio:

"I am a Spanish and STEAM: What’s nExT in Emerging Technology Teacher at Riverview Junior Senior High School in Oakmont, PA. I am also an attorney and have a Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology. I have presented at conferences such as ISTE, FETC, PETE&C, PSMLA and additional local edtech and foreign language conferences. I am the Communications Chair for the ISTE Mobile Learning Network, a Member at Large for Games & Sims, the Innovations and Resources Co-Chair for the Teacher Education Network and the PAECT Historian.  I was recently selected as the 2017 Outstanding Teacher of the Year by PAECT (the Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications in Technology, the PA affiliate of ISTE).
I am an author, I wrote chapter 3 of the Edumatch book “Snapshot in Education 2016”, and my chapter on Blended Learning. I am a contributing author to the upcoming publication “Gamify Literacy” from ISTE. I also blog regularly, several publications I am happy to guest blog for.I continue to look for opportunities to highlight student work and student voice."

Want to connect or follow Rachelle?

Twitter @rdene915
